This past week’s Parsha, Re’eh, ends discussing the Yomim Tovim; Moshe said to the Jewish people, “V’Simachta B’cha...
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Gershon’s situation was really bad. His children had not eaten more than scraps of food in days, the stress was wei...
Continue Reading A chasid once went to the Baal Shem Tov and asked, “Rebbe, I really want to see Eliyahu HaNavi. What can I do to me...
Continue Reading It seems like the world had a good first couple of days, and then, early Friday morning Adam and Chava ate from the...
Continue Reading On Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur and the days in between the Jewish people are doing some major Teshuvah. We stand bef...
Continue Reading There once was a man who used to visit Rebbe Nachman whenever he came to Breslov. Fortunately, this man’s business ...
Continue Reading We most often hear a person “bench Gomel” when they return from an overseas trip, but according to the Gemara (Brac...
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