The Gemara in Maseches Sotah (13a) tells us a story about Moshe on our way out of Mitzrayim. Moshe wanted to fulfill the oath to bring up the bones of Yosef from Egypt. Only one person was alive who remembered their location, Serach the daughter of Asher. She sent Moshe to the Nile river in which the coffin of Yosef was sunk. Moshe said, “Yosef, Yosef. The time has come, God is fulfilling his promise that He swore, ‘I will redeem you,’ and the oath which you imposed upon the Bnei Yisrael has reached the time of fulfillment. If you show yourself, great. If not, we are absolved of your oath.” Immediately Yosef’s coffin floated to the surface of the water.
Yosef told
his brothers that “Pakod Yifkod – God will remember you and bring you out of
Egypt. You shall then take my bones with you.”(13:19) The words Pakod Yifkod
are a bit strange because literally translated it means: Remember, He
For perhaps we can think of Pakod Yifkod more as a motto for our lives. Pakod Yifkod is how we can live in this galus, this world of darkness – through all the challenges and obstacles we may face, we can think to this motto; Pakod Yifkod – Remember, He